Hi, Deniza,

Great to hear from you! How’re you? I’m fine. So you want to know about popular dish in my country? Well, it’s a traditional dish called Meat dumplings and it’s very popular here in Russia.

Meat dumplings are the type of boiled food. It looks like forcemeat in the dough. The forcemeat got from pork, beef, onion, salt and pepper. The dough got from flour, milk, water, eggs and salt. First, we make mixed forcemeat from source ingredients. Then we pour milk, water into the pan and add there flour, eggs and solt. Then we stir it to make dough for our Meat dumplings. Next we divide forcemeat into round pieces and put them in the dough to make dumplings in the form of half moon. Then we connect the ends of these half moons. Finally we pour water in another pan and boil Meat dumplings. We usually serve it with sour cream.

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