“The Princess Diaries” – is a story about Mia Thermopolis, a girl who lives in usual house with her mother and cat Fat Louie. One day she knows that her father is prince of Genovia, and he can’t have children any more, so Mia become a princess too. This is changes her life absolutely. The main characters are Mia, her mom, dad and grandmere (grandmother), her friend Lilly, Lily’s clever brother Michael and gorgeous boy Josh Richer.
After Mia knows she is the princess, she starts to have princess class with her grandmere (grandmother). She doesn’t want anybody to know about her status, but her grandmother talks to reporters about that. After her story is in the news all of her classmates change their mind about her and even gorgeous boy Josh Richer invites her on a date. But he only wants her because she’s a princess. So she broke up with him and has a wonderful time with Lilly’s brother Michael.
I like this book because it’s romantic novel and very interesting. I recommended this book to girls who like to read novels.
1. flashbulb – фотовспышка
2. whale – кит
3. nailpolish – лакдляногтей
4. boot laces – шнурки
5. environment – окружающая среда
6. Freshman - первокурсник
7. Curly - кудрявый
8. Gorgeous - великолепный
9. Going out on a date - ходить на свидание
10. Flunking - провалиться
11. Stare - смотреть
12. Lean over - перегибаться, нависать (над партой)
13. Weird - странный
14. Mood - настроение
15. Argue - спорить
16. Handsome - красивый
17. Hiccups - икота
18. Heir - наследникi
19. Royal - королевский
20. Entrance - вход
21. Embarrasing - Неловко
22. Sneaker - кроссовки
23. Cheating - мошенничество
24. Duty - долг
25. Admire - восхищаться
26. Tore up - разорвать
27. Angrily - сердито
28. Embarrassed - смущенный
29. Mad - сумасшедший
30. Nodded - кивнул
31. Punish - наказывать
32. Detention - задержание
33. Jealous - ревнивый
34. Frightened - испуганный
35. Roof - крыша